Discussion Questions
1. What is the "ill-omen" that makes Lincoln doubt the
perpetuation of the political freedom won by the revolutionary generation?
2. Why, when Lincoln admits that the murderer in St. Louis deserved
to die and that Mississippi would be better off without its gamblers,
does he condemn the lynching of both?
3. What case can such mobs make to defend their actions? Can there
be, contrary to what Lincoln says, any "grievance that is a
fit object of mob law?" Is not a mob in a small town that demands
immediate justice a perfect example of democracy at work, since
a majority of the people decide, and then implement their decision?
Or what is there that distinguishes democracy from the collective
decision taken by a crowd?
4. Lincoln describes a possible series of events that lead to the
destruction of political freedom, and says (in the tenth paragraph)
this is "one point at which danger may be expected." Step-by-step,
describe this series of events. What are other points of danger
to our political institutions described in this essay?
5. Lincoln admits there are bad laws, but says any law that continues
in force should be "religiously observed," and that "every
American, every lover of liberty, and every well-wisher to his posterity"
ought to make an oath swearing "never to violate in the least
particular, the laws of this country." Why? Are you willing
to make such an oath? Why or why not?
6. Lincoln says that our founding generation sought to give a practical
demonstration of "the capability of the people to govern themselves."
What does Lincoln mean by the capability of a people to govern itself,
and how did our founding generation give a practical demonstration
of it?
7. What sort of persons belong to the "family of the lion,
or the tribe of the eagle?" What motive do they share with
the founders of the United States? Why do such individuals pose
a greater danger now than they did at the time of the founding generation?
8. Why is it fitting for this speech to evoke the name of George
Washington near its end?
9.How does Lincoln contrast ambition and its operation during times
of revolution and during times of peace? What problems arise for
our country in Lincoln's view as a result of the success of its
Paper topics
1. What do you make of the many allusions to religion throughout
the speech? How many can you find? How does the speech endorse traditional
religion? Is it good for Lincoln to recommend allegiance to the
laws and political institutions of the United States as a kind of
2. Might Lincoln's audience suppose that the task or duty that
he attributes to their generation is a less ambitious task than
that of the founding generation? How does Lincoln guard against
this supposition? In what ways does Lincoln present the task of
his generation at as a greater one than that of the founding generation?
3. Does Lincoln simply attempt to warn against ambition, or does
his speech attempt to appeal to those of "towering genius"
to serve the American experiment in self-government? If so, how
does he do so?